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Quote from Gregory in Zoo Balloon

Gregory: How's Kenny?
Janine: Oh. He's okay. Um... Definitely scared, but I get it. Change can be scary. But you know that better than anyone... You know, as a sub. You're here one day and in a totally different school tomorrow.
Gregory: Well, not anymore, actually. [holds up ID card] Just got this today.
Janine: You're full-time?
Gregory: Yeah, Abbott is a special place. And you helped me realize that, so thank you.
Janine: Yeah. Is there a skunk around here? Because my eyes are watering. [both laugh]
Taylor: I got you a clam chowder since you loved it so much yesterday.
Gregory: Oh! They sell clam chowder at the zoo? In... In a bowl you can eat. Yay!

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