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Quote from Ava in Pilot

Jacob: I think maybe we should alert the school district to this. I mean, a child was harmed.
Ava: Hey! H-Harmed? I handled this. No need to let them know that a child was harmed on my wa... [looks at camera] on the school's watch, to be clear.
Janine: Ava, this is not handled. There is a 70-year-old custodian who voted for Kanye teaching social studies right now. We need help. Look, I know we don't have any money...
Ava: Okay! Alright, I'll make a small emergency budget request to the district, and you guys can get pencils and hire aides or whatever else you need.
Janine: So even rugs?
Ava: Sure! Just e-mail a request.
Janine: Okay, I can... I can write an e-mail.
Ava: [looks at camera] Another day in principal life. ♪ I believe the children are our future ♪

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