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Quote from Barbara in Mom

Barbara: I have had the great pleasure of watching Janine grow so much. I mean, this year alone, working for her students and on herself, building up the confidence and the money to treat herself to a much-needed vacation.
Vanetta: Mm-hmm.
Barbara: I'm worried because she mentioned a bill situation of yours.
Vanetta: That's personal.
Barbara: Yes, but I'm worried that she's rethinking her travel in order to help you out.
Vanetta: Help me out? I would never ask her to do that.
Barbara: That's what she's going to do anyway. So I just thought that you should know.
Vanetta: You know, I'm sure my daughter will do what's right. Besides, her and Tariq splitting her rent, it ain't like she's struggling.
Barbara: That young man is no longer with your daughter.
Vanetta: What? Damn, well... guess you can't keep a good man down.
Barbara: I just want you to know how important this vacation is for Janine...
Vanetta: Uh, Barbara, you know, this is a family matter. And I don't remember seeing you at any of the cookouts. You don't know me.
Barbara: You're right, I don't know you. But I know your daughter. And she will help you out at her own expense.
Vanetta: Yeah, well, I'm her mother, and I brought her into this world at mine.

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