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Quote from Dick in Dial M for Dick

Dick: Inspector.
Inspector Macaffery: Yeah? Oh, hello! Just enjoying a little sustenance. This case is a particularly taxing one.
Dick: Another man has been murdered.
Inspector Macaffery: Already? [checks watch] Oh! Sorry.
Dick: "Sorry"? Because of your laxity, a man is dead! Maybe that lazy pip-pip-cheerio attitude flies in foggy old London town, but you're in Ohio now, guv'nah!
Inspector Macaffery: Listen, I've done a thousand of these. Calm down, sit back, enjoy it.
Dick: Enjoy it? That's it. I'm taking over this investigation. Give me that police blotter. Casting call? This is for actors.
Inspector Macaffery: What do you want from me?
Dick: I'll tell you something, Macaffery, maybe you should try acting because you're a damned awful inspector!

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