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Quote from Dick in Dial M for Dick

Dick: Now, let me get this straight, Colonel Pinkham, you stopped a charging rhino with nothing more than a stare, and then actually wrestled it to it's death?
Colonel Pinkham: That's exactly what I did.
Dick: Let me shake your hand.
Colonel Pinkham: Ah.
Mary: Having fun, sweetheart?
Dick: Oh, I'm having a wonderful time. Mary, I'd like you to meet Colonel Pinkham. He, he was just telling me about his last hunting trip.
Mary: Oh, don't tell me, let me guess. On the plains of the Serengeti?
Colonel Pinkham: Oh, you bagged yourself a smart one there, Dick. Excuse me. Oh, by the way, good luck.
Dick: Good luck to you, Pinkham. [both salute] You know, what a remarkable character.
Mary: Oh, yeah, he's good. I saw him last year in Man of La Mancha at Theater on the Pier.
Dick: A big game hunter and an actor? My god. He's a renaissance man.

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