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Quote from Dick in Dick for Tat

Dottie Strudwick: [screams]
Dick: Hi, Dottie.
Dottie Strudwick: D-Dr. Solomon?
Dick: Oh, call me Dick. Please, sit down.
Dottie Strudwick: What are you doing here?
Dick: Let me explain. You see, seven years ago, your husband slept with my girlfriend Mary Albright?
Dottie Strudwick: Vincent? Slept with Mary?
Dick: Yeah, I know. It's an outrage. But let's address the situation like rational adults. For the sake of both our relationships, you and I need to sleep together. Agreed?
Dottie Strudwick: I don't believe this.
Dick: Well, I know, but it's the only way. Fortunately, we're both very attractive, so it needn't be an unpleasant experience.
Dottie Strudwick: Oh, I am going to get him!
Dick: Now you're talking. What say we climb back into that shower and get it on, huh?

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