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Quote from Tommy in Citizen Solomon

Alissa: How could you do this to me?
Tommy: What?
Alissa: The things it says in here. "The rain in Spain caused this reviewer insane brain pain." How could you print this?!
Tommy: Look, Alissa, I'm a newspaperman, and it's my job to ensure that every article in here lives up to the highest journalistic standards. [Alissa sobs] And August Lefler has failed to meet those standards. August!
August: Yes?
Tommy: I gave you this assignment trusting that you could put your feelings aside for me and write an unbiased review of Alissa's play, and this is what I get? Will you stop at nothing to destroy my happiness?
August: Okay. Okay, for the last time, Tommy, I broke up with you. In fact, I started seeing somebody else when I was still with you. Ha! I couldn't be more over you.
Tommy: Oh, yeah? Well, you're fired! Hmm?
August: Ohh! [storms out]
Alissa: She really took your breakup hard, huh?
Tommy: It's sad, really.

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