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Quote from Sally in The Great Dickdater

Dick: Can someone please explain why I struck out last night when all Sally had to do was grunt?
Tommy: I don't know, Dick. Could be the boobs.
Sally: They are terrific.
Dick: You're so lucky to be the woman.
Sally: Oh, hey, men are weird, you know. You don't have to be nice to them at all, and they're practically groveling at your feet.
Don: [enters] Hello, Sally.
Sally: Watch this. Hey, Don, that's a terrible haircut.
Don: Uh-huh. You want to go with me to the Policemen's Ball?
Sally: See? I'm just kidding.
Don: I see. You want to go with me to the Policemen's Ball?
Sally: No.
Don: Look, if you'll just walk in with me, I'll buy your ticket, and I'll give you $25 in cash.
Sally: Okay.

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