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Quote from Dick in Dial M for Dick

Dick: So, inspector, any breakthroughs?
Inspector Macaffery: No, but the game's afoot, I dare say.
Dick: You know, I could assist you in all this. What if we collected some bits of physical evidence?
Inspector Macaffery: Uh-huh?
Dick: You know, cigar butts, lipstick stains, a monogrammed lighter, a monogrammed handkerchief, a monogrammed towel, a monogrammed shirt, anything monogrammed would be really good.
Inspector Macaffery: Right, well, let's not get overeager, hmm? Why don't you sit back and take in the events as they unfold?
Dick: But there's a murderer among us!
Inspector Macaffery: Yes, and he'll be among us all weekend. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must phone Scotland Yard.

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