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Quote from Harry in Dick's Big Giant Headache Part 1

Vicki Dubcek: Harry Solomon, do you or do you not wanna be the father of my baby?
Harry: Look, Vicki, it's just a really big responsibility, and I feel like I have to think about my career first.
Vicki Dubcek: Baby, you do not have a career!
Harry: And yet you expect me to provide for a baby. Oh, what, are you gonna have a career? Yeah!
Vicki Dubcek: Okay, now that's just hurtful. You know that I'm not designed to live in your 9-to-5 world.
Harry: Oh, baby. The world is such a mess, what with the craziness in Texas and Africa... Canadians and their whole thing. Let's just give it a week, see if things clear up.
Vicki Dubcek: Harry Solomon, I do not even know you!

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