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Quote from Mary in Frozen Dick

Mary: Oh, Nina, I can't believe this is happening to me. Not every anthropologist receives this kind of honor. I worked my entire life for this award.
Nina: I know, the Louis Leakey award.
Mary: To stand in front of a conference of educators and express my thoughts about my work. This is going to be the best weekend of my life. Why are you looking at me that way?
Nina: No reason.
Dick: [enters] Dr. Albright! Dr. Albright! Guess what. You and I are on the same flight. Same row, side by side, strapped in at 38,000 feet. Isn't that great?
Mary: Why are you going to the conference?
Dick: Oh, they're giving me some kind of academic award. You know, they hand these things out like candy mints. Once we get that out of the way, the two of us get to experience the magic that is Chicago.
Mary: Well, once again something wonderful in my life has been turned into a giant crap fest.

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