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Quote from Dick in Body & Soul & Dick

Dean Sumner: Look who I found. It's Dr. Solomon.
Dr. Hanlin: Well, an honest man in a den of bootlickers, not that I don't enjoy having my boots licked. It's just that I find you all contemptible. So tell me, Dick, what do you think of my work?
Dick: Mechanistic and disturbingly fascist, but pretentious high schoolers might find it thought-provoking.
Professor: I think it's groundbreaking.
Dr. Hanlin: I don't need the opinion of a water boy with tenure. I'm talking to my friend. You know, I like you, Solomon.
Dick: Well, I don't like you.
Dr. Hanlin: [laughs] But I don't think anybody hates me more than your friend, doctor, um...
Mary: Albright.
Dr. Hanlin: Yes. Probably because I turned her down.
Mary: I need something from the bar.
Dr. Hanlin: Yes, that should solve all your problems.
Dick: Well, then let's get drinking.

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