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Quote from Dick in Lonely Dick

Dick: How do you do it?
Mary: Close your eyes. Breathe. Ah. And picture a beautiful place.
Dick: Okay. Yes, I'm there.
Mary: There's a lovely breeze. I'm wearing a gauzy dress. A wave hits me, but it doesn't matter because I've lost that winter weight.
Dick: I take off my shirt. The sun embraces me like thousands of warm fingers.
Mary: I am relaxed and free.
Dick: Even my horse senses your calm.
Mary: I didn't see your big horse, handsome stranger.
Dick: That's because you were distracted by my chiseled pecs.
Nina: [enters] Just then, their secretary arrives to say "it's all-you-can-eat fish day in the cafeteria."
Mary: Ooh, fish. Great. [Mary and Nina exit]
Dick: Ah, yes, fish. My horse likes fish.

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