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Quote from Harry in See Dick Run

Harry: Come on, let's not squabble. We're family. Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, sit. Let's play a game, shall we? What'll it be?
Tommy: Bite me.
Harry: All right, who's it? Okay, fine. You know, you try to help... [voice quavers] but this is the thanks you get! Transmission incoming from the Big Giant Head.
Sally: What, again?
Harry: Thank you for your status report. I judge your mission to be a complete failure. Replacements arrive in 24 hours. Resume normal functions in three, two, one. [snorts] What did I miss?
Sally: They're aborting the mission.
Tommy: Replacements arrive tomorrow.
Sally: They're sending us home. [all groan]

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