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Quote from Leon in Frozen Dick

Leon: So then Freddy Stivender beat the crap out of me. It was the talk of the school. I was so embarrassed. But after weeks of plotting, I got my revenge.
Sally: What did you do?
Leon: I had my mom tell his mom.
Sally: I like your tactics.
Leon: You know, it may just be the wine talking, but I'm beginning to think in a crazy world like this, you and me just might make sense. [goes to kiss Sally]
Sally: Hey, lights!
Leon: They'll be out again in a second... if there's a God in heaven.
Sally: People are outside shoveling snow. We're not the last people alive on Earth. Leon, now we don't have to sacrifice ourselves. Leon, you don't have to impregnate me!
Leon: Uh... oh, good.

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