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Quote from Dick in Frozen Dick

Dick: Lieutenant, don't worry. I'm prepared for every eventuality. [packs garden gnome]
Sally: I think you're taking this far too lightly. You've never traveled here before. How do you know what to pack? How will I reach you in Chicago?
Dick: [picks up landline telephone] I'm taking the phone. You know the number.
Sally: Why are you taking refrigerator magnets?
Dick: Chicago, the Windy City? I think it's obvious.
Sally: What do you mean?
Dick: Okay, let's say an urgent message comes in for Dr. Albright, and she's out sightseeing. I lay it on the nightstand because I have no way of securing it to a metallic surface. A gust of wind blows it under the bed, and Mary never discovers her long-lost identical twin, all for want of a magnetic banana.

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