Dean Quote #38
Quote from Dean in Be Prepared
Norman: Dean, where you been, man? We ran into these Pixie Scouts, and they were really nice.
Hampton: Yeah.
Cory: One of them didn't have nobody to talk to, so I told her about you. She wanted to meet you. She was wearing a two-piece. [chuckles]
Coach Long: All right, it's getting late, men. Let's go ahead and head back to the campsite.
Dean: But I didn't get a chance to swim!
Adult Dean: I don't think I've ever been so angry at my dad. I knew I shouldn't let it out, but I couldn't help myself, so I turned to him and summoned up all the 12-year-old eloquence I could muster.
Dean: This stinks! You stink! You ruined this trip for me because you don't know what you're doing! You shoulda just let Coach Long be the leader!
Adult Dean: I stood there, waiting for my dad to whoop me for being so fresh or drown me in the lake... Wait a minute. Nobody brought that hatchet, did they? There's no telling what this man might do. [Bill is silent] But he did nothing.
Bill: Coach Long is right. It'll be dark soon. We should head on back. You lead the way, Cliff.
The Wonder Years Quotes
‘Be Prepared’ Quotes
Quote from Bill
Adult Dean: Growing up in the '60s, I was surrounded by images of the ideal middle-class, suburban life, and I wanted nothing more than to have my own big, fat slice of that American pie. Can you blame me? Those smiling White people made happiness and prosperity look so damn appealing. It only seemed fair... if other families got to have these cool, middle-class experiences, who said mine couldn't, too?
Dean: Hey, Dad. Can we go to the beach?
Bill: Sharks.
Adult Dean: My dad. That's who.
Dean: Hey, Dad, can we rent a cabin in the woods?
Bill: Bears.
Dean: Hey, Dad, can we get a dog?
Bill: Fleas.
Quote from Bill
Dean: Hey, Dad. Can I join my friend Brad's Dixie Scout troop?
Bill: The Dixie Scouts? So you want to join the White troop? Or as I call them, the junior Klan.
Dean: No, but, Dad, it's not like that. Brad's father is the Scoutmaster.
Bill: I'm sorry, did you say Scoutmaster? The man in charge is called "master"? Listen to yourself, son.
Dean: But, Dad, all my other friends are doing it.
Bill: Yeah, your White friends. I'm not letting you join in with those East Montgomery boys.
Quote from Bill
Lillian: Well, what's the harm in it, Bill?
Bill: Well, for starters, I don't like how the white Scouts stole all their rituals from African tribal rites of passage.
Adult Dean: My dad was of the opinion that if there was something of value in American culture, it was definitely stolen from Black people.
[flashback to Bill watching Ed Sullivan Show on TV :]
Bill: Elvis Presley? Ha! Everything he does, Big Mama Thornton did first... except better.
[flashback to Bill holding a drink:]
Bill: Coca-Cola? [scoffs] Please. They'd be nowhere if Africans hadn't domesticated the kola nut.
[flashback to Bill hanging decorations on a Christmas tree:]
Bill: [chuckles] Santa Claus? You know the real Saint Nicholas was a black Moor.
Lillian: Are you sure about that, Bill? I thought the Scouts got their rituals from the Native Americans.
Bill: And where do you think they got it from?