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Quote from Bill in Be Prepared

Deacon Loren: Sorry, men. Troop 24 is no more.
Bill: How come?
Deacon Loren: We had to shut it down when the older boys got drafted to Vietnam to fight. Guess I did too good a job teaching those boys how to run through the woods and shoot. [chuckles]
Dean: Well, my friend Cory and a few others would like to be Scouts. Maybe we could start it up again?
Deacon Loren: No, not with me. I'm too old to be sleeping out there on that hard ground, and eating all of those weenies and beans out of a can gave me the gout.
Bill: Well, son, we tried.
Dean: Dad, you could do it!
Bill: Wait, what?
Dean: Yeah, you could be the Scoutmast... Scout leader. You already know a lot about it, like how the Scouts stole all their ideas from Africa.
Deacon Loren: Is that so, Bill? I didn't know that, and I was a Scout for years.
Bill: True, I'm acquainted with the history, but you know how busy I am with the college and the band.
Dean: Don't worry. You'll figure it out. You're good at everything.
Deacon Loren: Welcome to the Scouts, Bill. [chuckles]

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