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Quote from Bill in Be Prepared

Lillian: Bill, why is there a young man painting our front door?
Bill: He's working hard to earn his Home Repairs merit badge.
Lillian: You sure he's not just checking items off your Chore Chart?
Kim: Ooh, is there a Laundry badge? 'Cause I don't feel like doing my chores, either.
Bill: Lillian, merit badges... "Encourage boys to try out new activities that may result in new skills."
Lillian: I'm sure that is not what these little boys signed up for.
Norman: Yeah, Dean said we'd go out camping and canoeing, not digging up other folks' weeds.
Bill: Whoa. [chuckling] Whoa, whoa. Looks like somebody doesn't want his Good Citizen badge.

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