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Quote from Dean in Pilot

Adult Dean: But bringing people together wasn't just about the White people. It was also about Black people like Michael Simms. I knew I could reach him, too.
[cut to Michael slamming Dean into his locker]
Dean: Ah!
Michael: Think you're White, don't you?
Adult Dean: I could not.
Michael: You talk White! [punches Dean] You act White! [punches Dean]
Dean: Ah!
Michael: You even brought a lunch box to school like you white! [shoves Dean to the ground]
Adult Dean: That last one confuses me to this day.
Cory: Come on, man. [another bully lets Cory go] Told you it was a dumb idea to try to talk to him, Dean.
Brad: [falls out of a locker] Ah! So dumb.
Adult Dean: Who was I kidding? The world was always gonna be full of Michael Simmses and White people with lunch boxes. Nobody was gonna listen to Sheep #3.

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