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Quote from Dean in Pilot

Michael: Hey, Four Eyes! Can you look to my house and tell me what's on the TV? [laughter]
Adult Dean: Now, no one in school knew how old Michael Simms was. Some people said he had a son at another school. Others said he'd already done a tour in 'Nam. Bullies back then benefited from us not having Google to fact-check.
Coach Long: Shut up, Free Lunch!
Michael: Yo mama on free lunch.
Students: Ooh.
Mrs. Hodges: What's all the fuss back there?
Girl: Somebody said "yo mama."
Mrs. Hodges: Now, that's something that the Black students do that the white students don't. You ought to be like these three. [points to Dean, Cory and Keisa] Their parents send them here to learn.
Brad: Hey, she's not prejudiced.
Adult Dean: But was she? In my memory, she was. But she also gave some of us Black students extra attention if she thought we had potential, which may still have been racist. I don't know.

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