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Quote from Bill in Be Prepared

Adult Dean: This tent had all the bells and whistles... literally, it had a bell. Not sure why. Maybe to scare away bears. Anyway, it was amazing, and I couldn't wait to put it up. [metal clatters]
Dean: I think we put A-23 where C-27 should go, and where's B-26?
Bill: Be cool. It's just letters and numbers. We'll figure it out.
Coach Long: Y'all still working on that, huh? Now, don't you worry, Bill. If it rains, you can put that pretty box over your head. [chuckles]
Bill: Yeah, well... if you hear a bear in the middle of the night, don't come running to ring my bell. [no sound] It's at a frequency only bears can hear.
Coach Long: Yeah, bears don't work like that.

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