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Quote from Michael Scott in Booze Cruise

Michael Scott: Okay, all right. It's time to be boss. Time to motivate. Let's blow some minds here. Okay, guys, guys, guys. Cool it. Everybody? Dunder Mifflin Scranton employees, Brenda, I've some very, very urgent news I need to tell everybody. Right now. Listen up. The ship is sinking. Okay? We're going down right now. Just wrap your heads around the reality of that. Please! Everybody, it's my turn now, okay? Captain Jack is gone. In five minutes, this ship is going to be at the bottom of the lake, and there aren't enough spaces on the lifeboat.
Who are we gonna save? Do we save sales? Do we save customer service? Do we save accounting? This is a business scenario. Right? It's a scary- It's a predicament. And it's something that each and every one of us have to think about.

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