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Quote from Michael Scott in The Convict

Michael Scott: Hey, everybody, may I have your attention, please? I realize that a lot of you have already heard that Martin, here, has had some trouble with the law. But I just want to declare publicly that I trust him completely and that anybody who doesn't is an ignorant, dumb person, okay? As a matter of fact, you show me a white man you trust and I will show you a black man that I trust even more. Pam, tell me a white person you trust.
Pam: My dad.
Michael Scott: Danny Glover. Yeah.
Jim: Jonas Salk.
Michael Scott: Who?
Jim: Justin Timberlake?
Michael Scott: Oh, please. Colin Powell.
Karen: Hey, I've got one.
Michael Scott: Yeah.
Karen: Jesus.
Michael Scott: Apollo Creed.

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