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Quote from Michael Scott in Training Day

Michael Scott: Kahlua Sombrero, please.
Waiter: All right, so just you tonight?
Michael Scott: Actually, I am meeting somebody, but I'm a little bit early. Leaving my company. After 19 years.
Deangelo: I'll drink to that. I'm starting at a company this week.
Michael Scott: Oh, really?
Deangelo: To beginnings and endings.
Michael Scott: And to middles, the unsung heroes. And to moms.
Deangelo: The moms and the troops.
Michael Scott: Mmm. Do not tell my fiance I'm drinking on a Wednesday.
Deangelo: [laughs] I won't... I don't know her.
Michael Scott: I'm moving out to the burbs. Actually, I'm moving further than the burbs, I'm moving to Colorado.
Deangelo: Colorado! The sunshine state.
Michael Scott: Yep. Don't mess with Colorado.

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