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Quote from Michael Scott in Niagara

Michael Scott: Okay and don't embarrass me when we go to Niagara.
Andy: What happens in Niagara, stays in Niagara. [laughter]
Michael Scott: Don't. Don't. Don't. You stole my joke. Don't steal my joke.
Andy: Nom I didn't steal your joke.
Michael Scott: Yes, I said that yesterday.
Dwight K. Schrute: But you can say that about anything.
Michael Scott: Dwight...
Dwight K. Schrute: What happens in accounting, stays in accounting.
Kevin: Oh yeah.
Michael Scott: No, no, no. Please, please. Dwight, that's my joke.
Dwight K. Schrute: It's so easy. That's what I'm saying.
Michael Scott: This is what I'm talking about. When we leave here and go up to Niagara Falls we are representing Dunder Mifflin, everyone. This is a very important wedding for the branch. The most important wedding until I get married. So, I want you all on your best behavior or so help me, God. So... I will see you up there in Viagra Falls!

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