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Quote from Michael Scott in Dream Team

Michael Scott: And I offer same day, free delivery.
Nana: Michael, I don't know about this.
Michael Scott: Nana, I really think that Papa would want you to do this.
Nana: I'm not so sure.
Michael Scott: Well, what is it exactly? I mean, what, what specifically? We don't - it doesn't have to be paper. We could sell medicine and other...
Nana: See, this is what concerns me.
Old Woman: We could just give him a chance. It's not much money.
Michael Scott: Well, this might not be the right time, but I need more than I originally asked for.
Nana: This isn't a handout club. It's an investment club!
Michael Scott: Okay.
Nana: I love you, Michael. I do.
Michael Scott: Okay.
Nana: But no. I mean it. No.

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