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Quote from Frankie in Hecking Order

Frankie: Uh, you don't seem to understand how things work around here, so I'm gonna do you a favor and clear it up for you. I'm in charge... [writes down] So I'm on top. And underneath, Axl, Sue, and Brick. Get it? Okay. Are we all clear?
Sue: Why am I under Axl?
Frankie: It's just a random order.
Sue: It doesn't look random. It looks like you think Axl is above me.
Axl: Only in looks, intelligence, charisma, and personality.
Sue: Ugh.
Brick: What about Dad? I don't see Dad.
Frankie: Fine. "And Dad." Right up there with me, and above you three, who are listed here in a random order.
Axl: That's not right. Dad goes above you.
Frankie: What? Well, no he doesn't.
Brick: That was my understanding.
Sue: Doesn't he?
Frankie: Wait. You think that? You think Dad goes above me?

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