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Quote from Frankie in The Math Class

Frankie: [to Mike] Oh! I know this one! Ha! I got one before you.
Ms. Rinsky: Oh, so you finally got one, did you, dear? Why don't you come to the board and show us your work?
Frankie: Oh, no, no, no. I'm good.
Ms. Rinsky: I wasn't asking.
Frankie: Okay. The answer is 185. So you need to add or subtract to make 10s. 146... Plus 4... Ahem. Equals... 150. 39 plus 1 equals 40. Okay, wait. Um... I'm supposed to be chunking, right? I'll just... Start it all over. Okay. Talk amongst yourselves, people. You don't have to be quiet for me. This is silly. I know this. I really do. I mean, come on. It's third grade math.
Ms. Rinsky: Then it shouldn't take long, dear, because once you get this right, we can all go home.
Frankie: Carry the 1... The 1... Carry, uh... Did you know I can name every president in order? George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe... James Madison... James Monroe...

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