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Quote from Frankie in Bunny Therapy

Frankie: Well, I have good news and bad news.
Mike: It's never good news-good news, is it?
Frankie: Never here. Sue has decided not to try out for anything this fall.
Mike: Hey. She's finally given up. That is good news.
Frankie: The bad news is, I got an e-mail from Ms. Tompkins, Brick's social skills teacher. I guess she wants to meet with us.
Mike: Again? When is that woman gonna realize she's underpaid, and check out? What is it this time?
Frankie: Could be anything. Although, you know what, when I think about it, lately, he hasn't been that bad. When's the last time he whispered? Three weeks, right? Wait. Maybe she's calling us in to tell us he's moving up to the yellow group.
Mike: Hey. Good news-good news. High five.

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