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Quote from Axl in Toasted

Hutch: Man, if I was writing this about you, it'd be a lot easier.
Axl: Oh, yeah? What would you say?
Hutch: Oh, I don't know. Probably something about, when I was in high school, I thought I was some big shot, gonna play football wherever I want. Next thing I know, I'm tied up to a goalpost next to some guy calling himself the "Ax-man." [chuckles] Thought things couldn't get any worse.
Axl: Ouch.
Hutch: But suddenly, there was this cool, confident, funny guy laughing at all my jokes, telling me how smart I am, and actually thinking that I have good ideas. You know, that's what's so awesome about Axl. He has this way of making you feel good about yourself. And, man, we can all use some of that... Am I right? So, everyone, raise your glasses to Axl... as good a friend as any guy can have. Thanks for everything, brother.
Axl: [voice breaking] Pretty... Pretty good.

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