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Quote from Brick in The Shirt

Brick: May I speak to the both of you?
Mike: Looks like you're already doing it.
Brick: It has come to my attention that with Axl and Sue gone, I'm the only one left doing the chores. Hmm, whose turn is it to empty the dishwasher? Oh, look, it's me. Whose turn is it to take out the trash? Well, since Sue's not here, I guess it's me. Who's next in line to vacuum? Let me eliminate the suspense. It's me. So, to remedy this obvious injustice, I've taken the Liberty of creating a new chore chart. As you can see, I divided all the labor up equally. It's time you two start pulling your weight around here and sharing in the chores.
Frankie: We do plenty of chores, Brick. It's called our life.
Mike: This conversation's a chore.
Brick: The bathroom is really gross. So, Dad, can I put you down for Tuesdays and Thursdays?
Mike: Uh, put me down for "no days" and "no days."
Brick: Well, that's gonna put a lot of extra work on Mom, but okay.
Frankie: Look, Brick, you're the one using the bathroom, so you're the one that's gonna clean it. Now, just get some cleaning supplies from the laundry room and get on it.

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