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Quote from Rita Glossner in The Neighbour

Frankie: [v.o.] You may wonder why we didn't get the ball. Because there was no way we were stepping foot in that yard. Every neighborhood has one. You know, a family that's just not worth tangling with? Well, in our neighborhood, it was the Glossners. Four unruly hooligans who'd held our street hostage for as long as I can remember. Whatever hell they rained on you, you took it, because retaliating only made it worse. But as bad as those Glossner boys were...
Frankie: Hey, hey, hey. Put... Hey... You...
Frankie: [v.o.] was the mom you really didn't wanna mess with.
Rita Glossner: Is there a problem here?
Frankie: [v.o.] Yeah, there's a problem. That Amazon scares the hell out of me.
Frankie: No, no. We're good.
Rita Glossner: All right, then. [takes Frankie's newspaper]
Frankie: Hey, uh, that's mine.
Rita Glossner: Really? It was right here on the curb. You own the whole outdoors, do you, princess?
Frankie: No, of course not. I... You have a nice day.
[Rita flicks her cigarette into the Hecks' yard. As she walks away, she crushes a beer can and throws it back into the yard.]

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