Michael Quote #66

Quote from Michael in What's My Motivation

Tahani: Eleanor, for an utter novice, you have thrown a lovely party.
Eleanor: Well, thanks, but it's not working. Not one more point. What the fork?
Tahani: Oh, look, Michael's here. He can help. Michael, would you do us the honor of saying a few words?
Michael: I don't know that I'm in the right frame of mind.
Eleanor: Please, they'll listen to you. Just pay me a few compliments. You know, I'm great, heart of a champion, basically your muse, you get it.
Tahani: Attention, everyone. Michael would like to say a few words.
Michael: Hello, everyone. Good to see you all here, mingling around with your various secrets. Who really knows which of you are who you say you are? No way to know unless I pull your skeletons out, right? [chuckles] Okay. Take her easy.
Tahani: Yes, well said.


 ‘What's My Motivation’ Quotes

Quote from Jason

Michael: I just want to make sure that I have this right. Um... Jianyu is not a Taiwanese monk, but rather someone named Jason Mendoza, a failed DJ from Jacksonville, Florida.
Jason: I wasn't a failed DJ. I was pre-successful.
Michael: And you two are married.
Jason: Hells yeah, homie. We love each other. She makes the bass drop... in my heart.

Quote from Tahani

Eleanor: Hello! Hi, how are you? There has to be something bigger I can do than holding the door and waving. There's no way every Walmart greeter is in the Good Place.
Tahani: Wal... mart?
Eleanor: It's a place regular people go. You haven't heard of it.
Tahani: Look, I know this is tedious, but holding a door for someone is three points, and if you do it for everyone in the neighborhood, then that's almost a thousand points for just a start. Besides, all the big ticket items are impossible, I'm afraid. It's not as if you could, you know, "sacrifice your life to save others" or "change the consciousness of a nation." Both of which I did, by the way. Such fun.

Quote from Tahani

Eleanor: Have a wonderful day. This is pointless. The ticker isn't even going up, and everyone's giving me the stink eye.
Tahani: Eleanor, everyone hates you.
Eleanor: Well, fork you too.
Tahani: No, this is good. Now that we know, we can actually do something about it. And I am an expert at mediating conflict, like when my friends Scary, Sporty, Posh, and Baby had an issue with my other friend Archbishop Desmond Tutu.