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Quote from Eleanor in Existential Crisis

Eleanor: Hey, man, you got toothbrush holders?
Greg: Sure, yeah, right over here.
Eleanor: What's this? Who has four toothbrushes? Like, Bill Gates or something?
Greg: No, that's like, for a family.
Eleanor: Family? Like, a whole family and their toothbrushes all together? Two slots for the parent toothbrushes and two slots for their kids?
Greg: Yep.
Eleanor: So the parent toothbrushes can be close to the kid toothbrushes and... watch over them and... [sniffs] They can all talk about their... toothbrush feelings. And they can hold their little toothbrush hands when they're sad? Make sure no harm ever comes to their little bristles?
Greg: Sure. [Eleanor cries] Oh, um, do you need Kleenex?
Eleanor: Thank you. [sniffles] Sorry. I'm so embarrassed. A family pack? [dramatic sobbing]

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