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Quote from Tahani in A Fractured Inheritance

Chidi: So, before I'm tortured in the afterlife, I get to spend the rest of this life in a Hungarian prison for destruction of art. That's fun.
Tahani: Destruction of extremely derivative art. Kamilah's work has been mediocre for years. Mother and Father are probably rolling over in their cryogenic chambers.
Chidi: Really? You don't think they would be proud of her for having a whole museum wing dedicated to her work?
Tahani: My parents' standards were incredibly high, and they were impossible to please. Plus, they always pitted my sister and me against each other. The two of them were a unit, and Kamilah and I...
Waqas Al-Jamil: Girls, we have a new challenge for you.
Manisha Al-Jamil: Each of you has four hours to complete a rendering of your favorite moment in French military history.
Waqas Al-Jamil: The winning painting shall be hung in our foyer during our party honoring Francois Mitterrand.
Manisha Al-Jamil: The losing painting shall provide the kindling for the fire that rages in our hearth during that party. [laughs] Doesn't that sound wonderful?
Young Tahani: Yes, Mother, it does.
Young Kamilah: Thank you for this opportunity.
Waqas Al-Jamil: Who will be the winning artist, and who will fail? Let's find out.

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