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Quote from Chidi in What's My Motivation

Tahani: Where do you suppose she is?
Real Eleanor: I hope she's okay. You know, the more I work on her case, the more I think she truly belongs here.
Chidi: I'm... I'm sorry that I haven't been able to say... what you want me to say, because I-I do want to say it.
Real Eleanor: What's holding you back?
Chidi: Honestly, my biggest fear is just making sure that my motivation for saying it...
Real Eleanor: Chidi?
[Chidi walks over and check's Eleanor's counter]
Real Eleanor: Wow.
Tahani: How did she suddenly...?
Chidi: Her motivation changed. She couldn't earn enough points by apologizing to everyone here because she was only doing it to earn enough points to stay here. But she did earn enough points, which means that she's decided not to stay here, which means...
Tahani: That she's leaving.

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