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Quote from Rose in Sick and Tired: Part 1

Blanche: Oh, girls, let me tell you this wonderful idea I had. When I was a little girl, my mama told me my destiny. She said, "Peacock" - that was my nickname, Peacock. "You are destined for great things."
Sophia: Why "Peacock"?
Blanche: Because I was so beautiful. Anyway, she said-
Rose: I don't find peacocks so beautiful. They've got skinny necks. And they shriek.
Blanche: It doesn't matter, Rose.
Rose: And they attack chickens.
Blanche: I don't care about chickens, Rose. She didn't call me "Chicken," she called me "Peacock."
Rose: You look more like a chicken. When you're angry, your neck sticks out like a chicken.

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