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Quote from Mr. Glascott in An Itch Like No Other

Mr. Glascott: I was like, "Why waste such an amazing space on giant screens and plush seating, when I could have my own Zen garden?"
Murray: Uh, I don't get it. Where's the big TV?
Mr. Glascott: Oh, it's over there. I put one of my old kimonos over it, and I'm using it as a stand for my bonsai tree.
Bill Lewis: It's like a big tree, but everything about it is actually small.
Murray: I tell you what's not small. The amount of sand that's in my shoes.
Bill Lewis: Do they make these in the apple and pear variety? I'd like to pick a piece of tiny fruit and put it next to a spider, huh? [chuckles]
Mr. Glascott: Oh, I'm afraid not. So, who's up for a Zen walk?
Bill Lewis: Me, I guess! How do I do it?
Mr. Glascott: You just step slowly. Let your mind go blank, and keep doing that until the goblins go quiet.
Bill Lewis: Hey, Mur, you gonna hop on this crazy conga line?
Adult Adam: [v.o.] He was not. [Murray has left]
Bill Lewis: Mur?

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