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Quote from Geoff in One Exquisite Evening with Madonna

Plumber: You're probably gonna have to clear out of here for a week or so.
Geoff: Great, so now what do we do?
Erica: We'll go to a hotel.
Geoff: And pay for it with what, exactly?
Erica: You're the neatnik. Don't you have a mold budget?
Geoff: Sorry, I didn't anticipate that my wife would be a wet towel abandoner.
Erica: Ouch, Don Rickles. And, fine, we'll go to your parents'.
Geoff: My mom turned my room into a knitting room. Between my yarn allergy and all the needles, it's a death trap.
Erica: I know of a place where the price is right and the staff is always friendly.

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