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Quote from Geoff in The Proposal

Geoff: Beautiful.
Erica: Sure, the ocean. It has a lot of fans.
Geoff: I'm not talking about where I am. I'm talking about who I'm with.
Erica: I'm sorry. I thought this weekend was gonna be just us. You know, special.
Geoff: Well, I think it still can be.
[Geoff gets down on one knee and holds up the engagement ring]
Erica: Oh, my God, really?
Geoff: Yeah, really.
Erica: I-I don't even know what to do or say. I... Should I kneel, too?
Geoff: You're perfect. I got this.
Erica: Yeah, you do.
Geoff: When I first had a crush on you, I was just an anxious ball of nerves who could barely say a word. But now, I know exactly what I want.
Erica: Is it me? Please say that it's me.
Geoff: Erica Goldberg... will you marry me?
Erica: Oh, hell, yes!
[After Geoff and Erica kiss, they realize they're surrounded by their families and friends]
Beverly: In our defense, we're so happy for you! [all cheer]
Adult Adam: [v.o.] It had been a crazy year for Erica and Geoff, but in the end, it was all worth it, and it seemed only fitting that they got to share the occasion with pretty much everyone they knew.

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