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Quote from Vivian in 72 Hours

Will: Aunt Viv, what are you doing here?
Vivian: What does it look like I'm doing here? I came to get my boy.
Carlton: Mom, I can explain. We were on our way to San Francisco when I realized I had a Sociology report to do...
Vivian: Don't even try, Carlton. Will told me everything. [others groan]
Carlton: It was a bet.
Vivian: A bet? I don't care. Carlton, you are not going to MacArthur Park tonight. In fact, none of you are going to MacArthur Park tonight.
Tiny: Wait a minute.
Vivian: Boy, do not test me.
Tiny: Yes, ma'am.
Vivian: Carlton, Will, get your things. I will be waiting downstairs in the car. And another thing, this place is a disgrace. You have a trashcan, honey. Use it.

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