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Quote from Carlton in Will Gets a Job

Carlton: Tina, we need to talk.
Tina: Oh, Carlton, those khaki pants make you look so Field and Stream. Take me camping.
Carlton: Tina, I'm at my wit's end. Look, it's bad enough you call me every hour on the hour when I'm home but I don't appreciate being paged at school.
Tina: I'm so sorry. I try to sound official.
Carlton: Well, I don't think anyone believed you were Colin Powell. It's obvious there could never be anything between us. Do you understand what I'm trying to tell you?
Tina: Yes, Carlton, I do.
Carlton: Good. I'm gonna go study now.
Tina: Studying? That is so cool. Are you going to highlight or underline?
Carlton: None of your beeswax!

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