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Quote from Leo in Kitty and Eric's Night Out

Leo: Okay. Pay me.
Hyde: Leo, I gotta help the customer, man. I think he's gonna drive away.
Leo: Eh, let him go. I don't need his stinkin' photo money. I'm a doctor.
Hyde: Okay, man, you know what? That's it. This game is over, man. This is not life. This is life!
Leo: Yeah, but this life is so much better than this life, man. In the, in the game, I got kids, man. In real life, my kids split on me.
Hyde: Really, man?
Leo: Yeah.
Hyde: My parents split on me.
Leo: Oh, wow. Now we found each other. Hey, do you wanna be my father?
Hyde: Sure.
Leo: Okay. Go ahead. Spin, Dad.

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