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Quote from Red in I Can See for Miles

Red: Shoes are an inappropriate gift to give another man.
Kitty: Well, what about when you joined the service? Another man issued you your boots.
Red: But then he gave me a gun, so I let it go.
Kitty: Well, why don't you just accept the shoes because Bob is your friend?
Red: You don't understand how men work. We don't give each other presents. We pretty much ignore each other until someone scores a touchdown.
Kitty: You should listen to me. I know how to be a friend, and you obviously don't, since you don't have any.
Red: I have plenty of friends. Charlie's a friend. He saved my life during the war.
Kitty: And when is the last time you talked to Charlie?
Red: We said all we needed to say on the boat back home.

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