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Quote from Midge in Hyde Moves In

Bob: But, Midge why do you have to have your Woman Warrior meetings here every week?
Midge: Because none of the other feminists' husbands will let them.
Bob: Boy, those bastards.
Midge: I know. Bob, these meetings have really opened my eyes. For example, the English language is so oppressive to women. I mean, why is it "mailman" and not "mailwoman"?
Bob: Why do they even call the mail "mail"? Why not call it "femail"?
Midge: Yes! You see, Bob, now you're thinking.
Bob: No, I'm not. I'm just being funny, because it's stupid.
Midge: Okay, then that's why you're part of the problem. [exits]
Bob: My wife is a maniac. I'm sorry, a womaniac.

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