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Quote from Leo in Leo Loves Kitty

[Donna, Fez and Hyde sit down on Leo's hospital bed]
Donna: So, Leo, how's the hospital?
Leo: Oh, it's great, man. Cable TV, free parking don't have to get out of bed to take a pee. It's just like a hotel.
[Donna, Fez and Hyde stand up]
Leo: And Nurse Kitty and I have had some good times.
[montage of Kitty nursing Leo to "Chances Are" by Johnny Mathis]
Kitty: Okay, Leo, I'm going to get you a surprise dessert. It jiggles and it rhymes with "jerry chello." [laughs] [exits]
Leo: I love you too, Kitty. I love you too. [sings "Chances Are", hums] Silly grins...

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