Garrett Quote #35

Quote from Garrett in Color Wars

Garrett: Damn, man, I tried to get it off, but no one would cover my shift.
Amy: I would've stayed home, but Emma needs braces and they just cut back on Adam's hours at work, so I need the money.
Garrett: Hey, maybe it won't be so bad. Just got to let it happen.
Jonah: What's going on? What's today?
Amy: Oh, you don't know.
Jonah: K-know what?
Garrett: Know this. [points to the door] Hmm. Oh, thought I heard the music. Guess I timed it wrong.
Glenn: [enters] It's Color Wars! Whoo.


 ‘Color Wars’ Quotes

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: Trust me, you don't want the RX 5. The Vilano Forza's the way to go.
Man: The RX 5 got five spokes on RoadPro, and it's half the price.
Garrett: Mm, okay.
Man: What's that mean?
Garrett: [sighs] Look, man, I used to own the 5, okay? And it was good... till the pedals came loose when I was crossing a busy street. [gestures to his legs]
Man: Oh, I... Oh, I'm sorry.
Garrett: But, hey, you know what? I like to focus on the positive. I'll ring you up for the RX-5.
Man: Actually, let's go with the Vilano.
Garrett: [chuckles] Hell, yeah! And let's get you one of these fancy racer helmets too. "I wish I had a better helmet" was my first full sentence when they taught me how to speak again.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [to a customer] "I wish I would've bought a Vitamix" was the first thing I said when I woke up from my coma. Could save your life, man.
Jonah: How exactly did a non Vitamix blender put you in a coma?
Garrett: That's a very offensive question to ask a disabled person.

Quote from Garrett

Garrett: [over PA] Attention, Cloud 9 shoppers, we'd like to welcome the members of our Second Chances Program in the gold T-shirts. If you'd prefer to work with someone who hasn't committed a violent crime, our red-shirted employees will be more than happy to help out. Yes, the Cloud 9 Second Chances Program... 'cause knowledge is worth 100 bucks.