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Quote from Sandra in Lady Boss

Sandra: Carol, so, um... I ended up buying these tickets to Whitney Houston's hologram tour, but they're on the same day as my wedding. Do you want 'em?
Carol: No, thanks. I liked Whitney as an actor, but as a singer, not so much.
Sandra: That's so lucky, because this is a tour of her hologram just acting out scenes from movies. Anyway, here, I'll save you some cake.
Carol: Sandra, did Dina and Garrett put you up to this?
Sandra: Wh- What? No. I mean, they might have...
Carol: They're trying to control your wedding. They told me I'm not invited. Can you believe that?
Sandra: Carol, this isn't easy for me to say, but you're... Right. They probably tricked me. That's probably what happened. Yeah. [hands tickets to a customer]

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