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Quote from Garrett in Minor Crimes

Garrett: You know this guy. He's a British actor, he's older, he likes being weird, he's always doing stuff with his hair. Sometimes it's long, sometimes it's short. He was in Batman.
Man #1: Oh, uh, Christian Bale.
Garrett: No, no, no. He wasn't Batman. Like I said, he's older. Just just look it up on your phone.
Man #1: Michael Caine.
Garrett: No, it's not Michael- Just pull up IMDB!
Man #1: Dude, it's Michael Caine! He plays the butler.
Garrett: Yeah, I know he plays the butler.
Man #2: The Joker?
Garrett: Yeah, the older British actor I'm thinking of is the Joker. Thank you.
Man #2: I like movies.

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